Module freya::_docs::theming

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Freya has built-in support for Theming.

⚠️ As of 2023-12-19, extending the base theme is not supported.

Accessing the current theme

You can access the current theme via the use_get_theme hook.

fn app() -> Element {
        ThemeProvider {
            Component { }

fn Component() -> Element {
    let theme = use_get_theme();

    let button_theme = &theme.button;

        rect {
            background: "{button_theme.background}",

Custom default theme

By default, the selected theme is LIGHT_THEME. You can use the alternative, DARK_THEME.

fn app() -> Element {
        ThemeProvider {
            theme: LIGHT_THEME,
            Component { }

fn Component() -> Element {
    let theme = use_get_theme();

    let button_theme = &theme.button;

        rect {
            background: "{button_theme.background}",

Change the theme

Changing the selected theme at runtime is possible by using the use_theme hook.

fn app() -> Element {
        ThemeProvider {
            Component { }

fn Component() -> Element {
    let mut theme = use_theme();

    let onclick = move |_| {
        *theme.write() = LIGHT_THEME;

        Button {
            label {
                "Use Light theme"

Change theme for an individual component

Most built-in components have their own theme “override.” You can specify values to override like this:

fn app() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        Button {
            theme: ButtonThemeWith {
                background: Some("blue".into()),
                font_theme: Some(FontThemeWith {
                    color: Some("white".into()),
            label { "I'm blue now" }

You need to use a different “type” of theme. In the “ThemeWith” structs, each field is optional, so that the component knows what to override and what to keep. Also, you need to spread ..Default::default, to make all the other fields None.

To make this less verbose, you can use the theme_with! macro:

fn app() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        Button {
            theme: theme_with!(ButtonTheme {
                background: "blue".into(),
                font_theme: theme_with!(FontTheme {
                    color: "white".into(),
            label { "I'm blue now" }
⚠️ The comma after the last field in the `theme_with!` macro is required.

As you can see, it removes the need for the “With” suffix, because that is already in the macro name. More importantly, though, it wraps each field in a Some, and adds the spread.

Custom theme

You can build themes from scratch or extended from others, like here with LIGHT_THEME:

const CUSTOM_THEME: Theme = Theme {
    button: ButtonTheme {
        background: Cow::Borrowed("rgb(230, 0, 0)"),
        hover_background: Cow::Borrowed("rgb(150, 0, 0)"),
        font_theme: FontTheme {
            color: Cow::Borrowed("white"),

fn app() -> Element {
        ThemeProvider {
            theme: CUSTOM_THEME,
            rect {
                width: "100%",
                height: "100%",
                Button {
                    label {